Sunday, January 16, 2011

NY Resolution: Keep doing what we're doing!

Hello readers,

HAPPY NEW YEAR to YOU! I know I say this every year, but...this year...2011...this is my year!!! lol

It's been a while, I'm just working on so many things. What with this little performance duo I have called SidePonyNation, volunteering with St. Alban's Boys and girls club, doing PR for The Nat & MArie show (, being a barrista and a waitress and of course having super fun times with my BFF's... I am just a busy I gotta find some time in there to be doesn't leave much room for blogging...but I'll try!

Lynn and I have been working really hard on editing our music video that is coming out before January is through! We're thinking this week! We're so excited because we think you will really like it...we can't wait for you to see it! For now we would like to tease you a bit though, so we present the SugaWet Trailer!!!

SugaWet Trailer from V. Khamphilavong on Vimeo.

Let me know what you think and then stay tuned for the official video!!

Love T!