Thursday, May 19, 2011

Who run the world? (Beyonce and Lady Gaga)

Well at least in the music video world.

The two newest videos from two of my most favourite pop culture icons/influences both run in the same vein. They are very similar, and not just due to the amazing dance sequences and powerhouse vocals that come to define both these ladies.

At first I loved the decadence and opulence in Lady Gaga's video for "Judas". I loved the India inspired elements the Gold, the Sari, the headpiece and of course the long decorated fingernails. As well, I love the sort of deep reggae vibe voice that she brings to the song, especially when she says "I'll bring him down down, King with no crown"...very Matisyahu!

I just watched Beyonce's latest "Who run the world (Girls) " which takes on a sort of apartheid theme, very tribal and militaristic. Epic video with over 200 dancers (girls) being involved. Beyonce samples Major Lazer's "Pon de floor", and does an excellent shoulder, head and breast bird-of-Paradise-like showing of dominance dance in the beginning to the infectious "Oh eh eh eh eh eh, oh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh".

Both videos costume design can be defined as a Grundgy Opulence, with Gaga using more leather, and Beyonce using more military styled pieces. And Beyonce goes more Haute Couture where Gaga goes more Haus of Gaga, but that's to be expected.

The scene that made me laugh about the similarities in the video is when both women have large amounts of water being splashed on them from behind. Lady Gaga's in a more cleansing/purifying artistic sense, and Beyonce's in a way that screams "Don't Fuck with Me I'm a Badass BITCH!".

I really enjoy both songs, both videos and both artists and can't wait until they get together again a la Telephone!

Thanks for reading,



Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I Love Lady Gaga!

Many of you may know that I truly Love Lady Gaga. And watching her interview at Google yesterday made me love her even more. Check out the great video below.

From the first time I saw her up close and personal outside Fubar Nightclub in Waterloo and exclaimed to her "I follow you on Twitter", I knew that she would be a part of my life for many many many years. I'm super excited for her latest album "Born This Way" to drop May 23, and the newest single Judas sounds like it's going to get me dancing.

Me and @aomok at my first Gaga concert Dec 2010~
Me and @germnchick at my second Gaga concert this past March!

I've been to 2 Gaga concerts so far and dressed up for both of them and look forward to the next, and to new inspiration from this very talented woman. Gaga turns 25 on March 28th, so I wish her a very very Happy Birthday! And thank you for being you Gaga!!!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

NY Resolution: Keep doing what we're doing!

Hello readers,

HAPPY NEW YEAR to YOU! I know I say this every year, but...this year...2011...this is my year!!! lol

It's been a while, I'm just working on so many things. What with this little performance duo I have called SidePonyNation, volunteering with St. Alban's Boys and girls club, doing PR for The Nat & MArie show (, being a barrista and a waitress and of course having super fun times with my BFF's... I am just a busy I gotta find some time in there to be doesn't leave much room for blogging...but I'll try!

Lynn and I have been working really hard on editing our music video that is coming out before January is through! We're thinking this week! We're so excited because we think you will really like it...we can't wait for you to see it! For now we would like to tease you a bit though, so we present the SugaWet Trailer!!!

SugaWet Trailer from V. Khamphilavong on Vimeo.

Let me know what you think and then stay tuned for the official video!!

Love T!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Welcome to TaCaGo Talk Transat Holidays!

Hello New Visitor!

I am assuming you are from Transat Holidays and wanting to read my travel blog from my trip this past summer to Europe!

You have a few options. You can scroll down to the end of the Europe section and work your way backwards...definitely stop on the following SidePonyNation teaser video if you choose this route.

Alternatively, you can follow this link:

It will take you to the beginning of my EuroTrip blog beginning in Amsterdam and you'll have to work your way forwards. Still make sure to check out the SidePonyNation teaser video!

Either option works great and you'll have a good time no matter what!

Hope you like what you see and I can't wait to travel with Transat Holidays!

Oh and if you haven't seen it yet, do make sure you check out my application video!

Talk soon!

Love and Kisses,


Friday, September 3, 2010

Is your skin just the worst right now?

Hey Friends,

When I arrived back in Ontario after 3 months in Europe my skin, I am shamed to say, was a mess. Berlin was our last stop and it was hot and dusty there, sweat mixed with hot post-soviet-ruled dust just couldn't help but get all up in and occupy my pores...get it Russia did.

Anywho, when I arrived back in my beautiful but humid as fuck city my skin got even worse, on my face, neck, back (a.k.a backne) and chest. I started a strict regimen of exfoliation, cleansing and moisturizing, but the bacne persisted. I then turned to tea tree oil derived from the Australian native tea tree. This stuff "has beneficial medical properties when applied topically, including antiseptic,antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral action, and is also believed to have beneficial cosmetic properties" (Wikipedia) ...ya this stuff is good.

The tea tree oil helped, but it has such a distinct odour that sometimes it was too much to take on its own....I needed somthing that was tea tree oil "infused".

I headed down to 799 Queen street and met up with Ann from TVAL for a bit of a consultation. TVAL specializes in Mineral make up and also organic personal hygiene products like deodorant and delicious enough to eat soaps.

I have oily skin as it is, so I need something that could clear away that oil, but still not completely dry out my skin! I opted for the Cleansing Gel with Cucumber & Rhubarb and even got Ann to add some tea tree oil to the gel. They make all their own products in small batches at the store, so it was no problem adding more hand selected ingredients. It's pretty cool knowing what everything is, and the benefits of it to my skin before I rub it all over my face. The cleansing gel is 240ml and costs $18.
For lotion I opted for the Oil-free lotion with Strawberries & 2% Salicylic acid (sounds scary, but has been proven in the fight against acne and blackheads). The lotion is very light, and doesn't require a lot for full facial coverage, which is good because the tiny 60ml bottle will run you $16 a pop. It smells like delicious and sweet strawberries, almost making me think it was too scented to be used on my face, but the smell is refreshing and Strawberries are rich in Vitamin C which has smoothing and toning properties which help to reduce enlarged pores (the bottle told me that).

I've been using both products for about two weeks and my skin has never looked better. It's well balanced right now, not greasy or dry... goldilocks would have loved my face.

Get your own face fix-its and other fun stuff (mineral make up, organic soap and deodorant) at their tdot location at 799 Queen Street West (near bathurst), or online at

Love and kisses and clear faces,


Monday, August 9, 2010

Confessions of a 24 year old

My first post in a while, so I thought I'd make it juicy....

I'm turning 25 in September, here are 10 confessions before I'm 25...

1. I'm not sure of what I want to do with my life: but I think it needs to be hopefully that works out for me... A wise woman said, " If you love what you do, you'll never work a day in your life!"

2. I flirt incessantly... with guys, with girls, older men, younger men, lesbians, everyone, if you've met me, we've probably flirted....but I think thats what they call Charisma..

3. I love being on that new shit...I think I'm just competitive...first

4. If we hang out a lot, it's probably cause you have something I want (creativity, motivation, intelligence... a hot bod) are who your friends are after all...

5. Backpacking Europe was something I've always wanted to do...and I just did it...I'm not sure if it changed me though or if Ive settled back into my old self....Ill keep you posted.

6. I want to fall truly, madly deeply in love...sigh..

7. I'm trying to not care what people think...but I'm just so darn considerate.

8. I'm very honest...guilt eats me up from the inside's the worst.

9. I dance in front of the mirror in various forms of undress all the time... I'm my own private dancer.

And number 10.....drum roll please ba da da da dumb

10. I'd rather a dude think I'm funny then hot...just kidding ha ha...

I'll start posting more regularly, I just needed to break the ice!

Love and Kisses,
