Monday, August 9, 2010

Confessions of a 24 year old

My first post in a while, so I thought I'd make it juicy....

I'm turning 25 in September, here are 10 confessions before I'm 25...

1. I'm not sure of what I want to do with my life: but I think it needs to be hopefully that works out for me... A wise woman said, " If you love what you do, you'll never work a day in your life!"

2. I flirt incessantly... with guys, with girls, older men, younger men, lesbians, everyone, if you've met me, we've probably flirted....but I think thats what they call Charisma..

3. I love being on that new shit...I think I'm just competitive...first

4. If we hang out a lot, it's probably cause you have something I want (creativity, motivation, intelligence... a hot bod) are who your friends are after all...

5. Backpacking Europe was something I've always wanted to do...and I just did it...I'm not sure if it changed me though or if Ive settled back into my old self....Ill keep you posted.

6. I want to fall truly, madly deeply in love...sigh..

7. I'm trying to not care what people think...but I'm just so darn considerate.

8. I'm very honest...guilt eats me up from the inside's the worst.

9. I dance in front of the mirror in various forms of undress all the time... I'm my own private dancer.

And number 10.....drum roll please ba da da da dumb

10. I'd rather a dude think I'm funny then hot...just kidding ha ha...

I'll start posting more regularly, I just needed to break the ice!

Love and Kisses,


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