Friday, May 14, 2010

EuroTrip 2010: Back to my roots!... (3)

(Lynn, Mel found this sweet shell with a hole in it on the beach so I added it to the necklace, sweet eh?)

Ola from Portugal!

We just arrived on an overnight train to Lisbon, from San Sebastian, Spain this morning. I have yet to explore...(showers after an overnight train are a necessary priority), but I already am feeling very at home. I have always wanted to visit the two countries of my heritage...and as of today I can say that while I do not speak the language, YES! I have been to Portugal. It makes me very happy to be able to say that and I am excited to see what the city of Lisbon has to offer.

Yesterday, we spent the day in San Sebastian, after arriving the previous day from Paris. KTO was the best host and it was sad to say goodbye, but exciting to get out and "on to the next one" again. San Sebastian is so beautiful and I could have stayed there more then one night easily if the weather was nicer. We decided to chase the sun south, and should be on a beach at the latest on Sunday! I highly reccommend San Sebastian and will definitely be going back there.

(View from the top of the highest point of San Sebastian)

(Two of the 9 Pinxtos we tried...Octopus and Scallops...we also had pig ear...not my fave)

It's a beautiful city right on the ocean. It is famous for Tapas, or as they say in Basque country Pinxtos (Pinchos). The hostel we stayed at ran a pub crawl and we had the funnest party night on the trip yet. The other partiers were awesome and I was able to salsa, do the macarena and have a hip hop dance battle all in the same night. We had a little help from Sidra (cider) and of course Sangria. Unlike the UK pub crawl we did, we actually felt like we got our monies worth on this one, the Spanish do not skimp on their liquor or their cute boys...especially ones named Ricardo....Oh Ricardo (sigh).
(San Sebastian before we left, never seen a more beautiful sky)

Mel and I are now travelling with a New Zealander named Dave and an Irish dude named Saar that we met at the San Sebastian hostel. Both are really cool and down to camp with us when we head to the Algarve in a day or two. It will be our first time breaking out the tent so are glad we can have other peeps there to join.

Anywho, its my turn to shower and then I will explore...haven't had a beach day yet, but we are so close to being able to have one I can taste the salty water!



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