Tuesday, June 1, 2010

By the way, I loved SPAIN!!! (6)

Instead of telling you about Spain, I thought I'd show you!

We went to:

Sevilla-Saw some Flamenco and this crazy bull fight accident on the news!

Also, had a cultural experience with locals at a rollerblade competition and nabbed some amazing Graffiti shots.

(she was rather mannish)

(ya it was hot, and not just cause the three of us were there...It went up to 39 that day)

Madrid-Stashed our stuff at Madrid Train Station, and partied all night until the 8am train to Valencia.

(Just made it in time to get a locker before they closed, or else this night would have been very different)

(Drinking like the locals....but not what they drink, just where and how...we opted for Don Simon, a nice option for the homeless)

(So sweaty)

Valencia-Met back up with our good buddy Saar in Valencia! Lovely city, wicked beach, rented bikes, went to the future, awesome hostel and met and partied with some sweet ass New jersey Boys….Homemade Sangria anyone?

(Yes this exists in real life)

Barcelona-A city I could live in, very historic, hip, fun, and Casio lives there….sigh Casio. Parc Guell was my top 3 fave things I’ve seen so far, and the style in Barcelona just can’t be beat…got some new Pantaloons and Catalonian shoes….yes, another pair of shoes….

(Boqueria market)

(Friends Forever!!!)

(Saar's last night....tear)

(Our drink of choice in Spain...can run from .55 to 1.50 euro...this one was taken from the free cupboard at the hostel!!!!)

(Me and Picasso)

(Me and Sagrada Familia...literally not even close to being finished...nice tho! Gaudi is wicked)

(Tapas bar)

(HIgh jump, new outfit, and LAS strikes again!)

(I have a funny story about this cactus...remind me to tell you about it)

(Magice fountian light show...a great way to end our time in Barcelona)

Spain was beautiful, and friendly and pretty easy to get along in. Sadly, it is also where we said farewell to our great Irish friend Saar. We will definitely meet again though…Croatia?

I am no in Roma, and will have many Italian storiesw for you all. For now it is off to bed.

Love and Kisses,


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