Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Wild Hunt: Lil bit of everything

Tonight a group of friends and I went and checked out The Wild Hunt at the AMC at Yonge and Dundas. I had won tickets using my sick ass Twittering Skills (get at me @TaCaGo) from @BlogTO (best blog eva). So I brought along my friends @lymoffatt @aomok @Ionus_ and we found the TVA Film directed by Alexandre Franchi to be a slasher film....meaning it was comedy-slash-drama-slash-romance-slash-slasher movie.

It premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival in September and must've gotten limited release...very limited because it is only showing at the AMC in Toronto and also the one in Montreal.

The trailer is a really great representation about what its about, and it's good. I suggest not watching the Trailer before you go in, because in retrospect it would be way funnier not seeing the trailer before I saw the movie...and it was a pretty good movie, so you won't be disappointed. But...Your prob just going to watch the trailer here is where you can find it hahah

The thing I liked most about this film is that it's Canadian...and a Good Canadian Film! Like one that doesn't make me cringe with the poor awkward dialogue, and didn't confuse me by any unnecessary nudity or overt sexual relations!

So ya go check it out and lemme know what you think!!


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