Saturday, April 3, 2010

Dan Black @ SuperMarket April 2nd: TaCaGo's first Interview!

As I write this entry I'm sitting on my rooftop on a beautiful Saturday afternoon, working on my tan, telling you about my night, and pumping some hot new tunes care of @CamTheJuice. The tunes are from the mixtape for HBO's "How to make it in America"; an all around eclectic mix of songs, including Symphonies (Remix) by Dan Black featuring Kid Cudi.

Dan Black first appeared on my radar back in August when Justin Timberlake tweeted the song "Symphonies", as well as the wicked video for the song.

Recently, the song has been remixed by Kid Cudi, who called up Dan Black in Paris from NY and got the instrumental and put his own twist on it!

Lastnight @lymoffatt and myself had the opportunity to see Dan Black live @ The Supermarket in Kensington market (268 Augusta). We had never been there before, but were greeted with a nice venue, an alright looking crowd and $5 Amsterdam's! The place was not crammed, but still poppin...which is just the way I like it! We got all warmed up by a Funk filled set by Supermarket's house DJ.

Around 12:30 Dan Black went on stage looking focused and ready accompanied by a guitarist and bassist, as well as a 70's dance floor looking device we later learned was an Ableton Novation Launchpad. SidePonyNation wants one!

Dan Black came on stage with PRESENCE. Looking cooly hip in white hightop AirWalks, track-like cargo pants, graphic T and edgy Black Mesh vest by Oak. Oh and I can't forget his signature warrior face paint that proved he was ready to kill it!

The energetic and sometimes reggae like beats got the crowd moving, and the venue seemed to fill up. The first song called "Pump my Pumps" did exactly what it promised and PUMPED the crowd up! Yes, I saw fist pumping....Ok I was fist pumping and singing along to the lyrics "That's OK, That's OK", and it wasn't just ok, It was Fucking Awesome!

Another song I was a big fan of was "Life Slash Dreams" With it's whimisical chorus "Life is life, dreams are dreams, and I'm floating somewhere in between", I think we can all relate to that feeling...and not just when we're high lol.

"Symphonies" was up soon after and was a crowed pleaser. As Dan Black's most well known song it got a loud cheer, and people were singing along and really feeling the music. Dan Black's music doesn't just make you want to dance, it makes you want to fly. It's about feeling good and loving life and living it! "Pass that dutch", was another crowd pleaser, for obvious reasons, and because it was really easy to sing along to: "Pass that dutch, pass that dutch, Pass that Dutch..." and it kind of made you want to MOSH along with it.

After the set was done, it didn't take long before the boys were back to perform an encore due to the pleas of the impressed crowd. The final song was one that Dan had never performed live before called, "I Love Life". Glad I was there for it's de-virginization! It's a vice infused song with a simple message: "You're a popsicle bubble, but I love life"! ....Clearly open to interpretation lol. But TaCaGo's interpretation is "Life is Wicked Awesome, let's live it". Kind of sums up the Dan Black vibe for me. Real fun, musically, lyrically, on stage and in person!

After the set, me and my partner in crime had a chance to chat with Dan backstage. The war paint had been washed off...rather sweated off during the high energy performance and he greeted us warmly as we entered the room.

Originally from Leads, but residing in France, Dan Black could make any girl swoon with his quiet confident demeanor, unique and fresh style, and of course that sexy British accent. He was happy to chat with us, and was really nice and down to earth...he even gave me some hot tips for my upcoming Eurotrip (Brasserie). Also, he taught Ly a little more about what new-fangled gadgets we need to get to bring SidePonyNation to the next level! (Launchpad)

Here's the interview: (Paraphrased)

TaCaGo: What do u like most about performing?
D.B.: The sense of freedom. That you can do whatever u want. You can't be as free on an everyday basis. I enjoy connecting with lots of people in a unique weird dialogue. And when it works it's like "wow"!

The show was very much like a dialogue with crowd participation being a big part of what Dan does!

TaCaGo: How did the collabo with Kid Cudi happen?
D.B.: Cudi rang me up and asked if he could get the instrumental for Symphonies. I was in Paris and he was in NY. I didn't know him at the time, but I sent it to him and he came back with something really good. Then I met him for the video rework.

TaCaGo: Who are your influences?
D.B.: I'm influenced by Missy Elliott, Prince, The smiths, The liars...a broad mix of influences.

This broad range of influences, cross generational and cross genre is definitely heard in Dan's music, which is layered with many interesting and beautifully awkward, rhythms and beats. Music thats makes you happy and really wanna move to...or fly to!

Dan Black was a delight to talk to and inspires me as a musician. I guarantee he will be someone you'll be hearing more from in 2010, and urge you to see him live if you get the chance. Def check him out on youtube and at

Before I left we made a promise to link up on twitter (@Dan__Black) and I'm def going to try and see him again when I'm in Paris or Italy in May and June!

That's all for now folks, let me know what you think of my very first interview/concert review!

Love and Kisses,


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