Monday, April 12, 2010

SuperTest @ El Mocambo April 9th

I hit up the El Mocambo (464 Spadina) this past Friday April 9th, to see one of my favourite up and coming bands, SuperTest, play as part of the Supernova "Band On The Run" competition. The Competition brings together diverse indie bands to cool venues and leaves the winner to be picked by the votes of fans!

I had never been to the El Mocambo before, rather the "Elmo", as those "in the know" call it. It was built in the 1800's, so is basically a historical landmark, especially since rock legends the Rolling Stones played here back in the 70's. It was dark, grimy, and had quite a plethora of explicit poetry written on the walls by past patrons....the perfect place for a rock show!

SuperTest went on stage around 7pm, and that's also when a crowd began surrounding the stage....coincidence? I think not! This band is young, and has only been together since May 2009, but they have a following. As I write this, I have just been informed that they were the 1st prize winners of last Fridays "Band on the Run"competition because they garnered the most votes, so they will move on to the city finals in June at the Sound Academy. Pretty good for a rock band whose members are all under the age of 18!
The band is composed of co-lead singers/co-lead guitarists Luigi Casole and Michael Licandro, with Michael Menecola on bass, and Patrick Casole manning the drums. When the boys got on stage they were happy to have a crowd and we're pumped that people had shown up just for them. Luigi wore a Guns and Roses T-shirt, (probably older than he is) and he thanked the crowd for coming as Michael M. began playing a funky and recognizable bass beat...then came the eerie drum. Michael L. came in with perfect time with the distinctive electric guitar and the crowd knew they were listening to a cover of Ozzy Osbourne's "Crazy Train", we were just waiting for the first "Aye Aye Aye". And we got it! Luigi's voice is deep and strong, and very mature sounding. It was perfectly matched to a song like "Crazy Train". The boys started strong, and finished strong with a solo by Michael L.

For their second song SuperTest switched up lead singers and Luigi picked up his guitar, so they could perform an Untitled original. Michael L. is a really good vocalist, and he's definitely a hand talker because when he wasn't joining Lui on guitar he was bouncing and having fun singing with his hands, which shows he was really feeling the music and was into his performance. Michael M. looked to be enjoying himself onstage and was bouncing with his bass, but is definitely the more strong silent type of the group. Patrick was hidden in the back behind his drum set, looking cool and confident...I foresee some panties being thrown his way a la Tommy Lee in the near future. Not too near of course, I mean this is my cousin we're talking about.

Before the third song, another original called "Gotta Move On", the boys gave a shout out to their "taxi drivers"; moms and dads who were in the audience. It was sweet and made you realize if you didn't know, that they were probably a lot younger than you thought. They play so strongly, and sound like a band who have played dozens of shows and been together for more than a year. Check out "Gotta Move On" below.

The fourth song "Too Late" was written for a television show SuperTest was recently featured in called "Can your school Rock?" (CYSR). The song wasn't loved by the judges on the show so it lead to SuperTest's time on the show being cut short, but the crowd at the elmo dug it and were more than happy to "headbang" along. One brave soul even crowd surfed... (well he was small and was lifted by his friends so I don't think he had much choice in the matter). CYSR should be on TV sometime in June!

The last song was called "No Way To Win", and it was the song "to remember SuperTest by". Lui got the crowd cheering before he wailed out the lyrics in his screaming deep style. Michael x 2 sang back up, and the whole crew headbanged along, some members have a lilttle more hair-flair than others. These boys are showmen though, and seem to love performing in front of crowds. Methinks, they are destined to perform in front of large numbers of screaming fans. They are young and fresh, but reminiscent of classic rock bands, and will only get better with age.

After the set I had a chance to chat with the boys and it was SuperDuper to be able to bring you SuperTest's FIRST EVER INTERVIEW! (So awesome when you're a music blogger and you have rockstars in the family!)


TaCaGo-How long have u guys been playing together?
SuperTest-We've all been playing together as SuperTest since May 2009. Michael L, is cousins with Luigi and Patrick, who are brothers. Patrick knew Michael M. from school, and he played guitar, but switched to the bass "for the band".

The boys are all multi talented, hence why Michael and Lui are co's in both vocals and guitar. Having two lead singers was an issue with the judges in CYSR and may have been a factor in their farewell from the show, but personally I dig it. They work vocally and musically well with each other and as a band they play as a unit.

TaCaGo-SuperTest? What's that all about?
SuperTest- In our house we have an antique SuperTest Gas station was right there when we were thinking of a name.

Ehhh, good story bro's...maybe make something up next

TaCaGo-Where do u see yourselves in 5 years?
SuperTest-Platinum recording artists (Said without hesitation)
TaCaGo- What about the cars, the money, the houses and the babes?
SuperTest-We're in it for the music! Well, except for Michael M., he's in it for the babes.

TaCaGo-Who would you love to open for?
SuperTest- Slash of course, and Ozzie for sure. (Before that they said some bands that they begged me not to print *clears throat* Nickelback *ahem* I won't. :)

TaCaGo-Three words to describe SuperTest: go!
SuperTest-Real Fucking Awesome!

Ya that about sums it up!
(From left: Luigi, Patrick, TaCaGo, Michael L., Michael M.)

That was all the time I had with SuperTest, as they were wisked off to another show. I know it won't be the last we hear of these boys, because winning First Prize at "Band on the Run" got them 8 hours of studio time...definitely something to be pumped about! You can see more SuperTest here: and I'll definitely let you know about their next show!

Love and Kisses,


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