Monday, April 26, 2010

Mmmm Cake: It's a sign!

As many of you know I will be embarking on a great adventure this Wednesday, heading to the foreign and wonderful land of Europe. My girls @aomok and @lymoffatt love cake and love me, so they decided to create a beautiful cake, with monogrammed icing; a celebration of my upcoming adventure!

EJon is replacing me for the two months I'm gone. The four of us ate the cake together and once full, stopped eating and decided we should save some until tomorrow. When me and the girls looked down we noticed the leftover cake looked rather phallic. Ada and ly and I gave the cake a quick trim, and changed it from a Bon Voyage Tanya cake into a Welcome Ian cake....The cake being symbolic of Ian joining the household.

This was not planned, it happened organically, which is a sure sign that this was meant to be!

Love and Kisses,


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